目的 为了提高超声对子宫粘膜病变的诊断价值。方法 以30例子宫不规则出血的患者进行宫腔声学造影超声检查配合宫腔镜诊断及治疗的研究。结果 宫腔镜注水前子宫处于闭合状态,前后壁宫内膜贴近,超声检查有些宫腔内异常不易发现,注水后作透声窗超声检查对内膜病变的显示程度明显提高,随着宫腔充盈程度的不同,病灶从显示不满意到清晰显示,并对其大小、形态、起源等可准确判定。结论 宫腔内注水行超声检查能直观显示内膜的病变,宫腔镜与超声结合起来,则能提高诊断的准确性,宫腔镜治疗的疗效。
Objective To improve the value of diagnosing endometrial lesion by ultrasonography. Methods Transvaginal hysterosono-graphy was performed on 30 patients with irregular uterine bleeding,and cooperate with hysteroscope diagnose and curve. Results The uterine cavity was closed before injection water into uterine with hysteroscope, some abnormality was difficult to be found. After injection water, the endometrial lesions were manifested more clearly. In pace with the growth of filling of uterine cavity, the lesions were manifested from unsatisfiedly to clearly. The factors which effect distinction of all kinds pathological chages by ultrasonography were also analysed. Conclusion The advantage of injection water into uterine cavity is visual evalluation of the endometrial lesions. Hysteroscope is combined ultrasonography, the diagnosing accuracy and curtive effect will rise.