目的 :观察中药当归注射液对正常家兔和高脂血症家兔血液流变性的影响。方法 :采用胆固醇加猪油喂养家兔复制高脂血症家兔模型。 2 4只家兔随机均分为 4组 :①正常对照组 ;②正常当归组 ;③高脂血症组 ;④高脂血症当归组。分别给予普通饲料、普通饲料加当归注射、高脂饲料、高脂饲料加当归注射。 1 0周末颈静脉采血 ,测定血脂、外周血象及血液流变学参数。结果 :与正常对照组、正常当归组和高脂血症当归组 ,高脂血症组全血粘度、红细胞压积 (HCT)、纤维蛋白原、血沉方程K值均明显降低 (P <0 .0 1或 0 .0 5 ) ,红细胞电泳指数则显著增高 (P <0 .0 1 )。高脂血症当归组甘油三酯显著低于高脂血症组 (P <0 .0 1 )。结论 :2 5 %当归注射液对正常家兔血液流变性无明显影响。但能降低高脂血症家兔血清甘油三酯 ,升高外周血红细胞及HCT ,并改善高脂血症家兔血液流变性。
Investigate effects of angelica on hemorheological pr operty of normal and hyperlipidemia rabbits.Method: 24 rabbits were assigned into four groups randomly:①the normal control group (C),②the angelica control group (A),③the hyperlipidemia group (H),④the hyperlipidemia and angelica group (HA).Blood samples were obtain ed from carotid artery at the and of the tenth week to detect blood lipid,periph eral hemogram,and hemorheology parameters.Results: Compared with group C,serum lipid of the Group H were s ignificantly higher( P<0.01 ).The ηb,HCT,Fibrinogen,ESRK of group H were low er than the other three groups( P<0.01 or 0.05 ).While its RBCEI was higher( P<0.01 ).Conclusion: The 25% Angelica injection can reduce the ser um TG of hy perlipidemia rabbits,and stimulate generation of RBC,thus leads to a favourable effect on the hemorheology of the hyperlipidemia rabbits.
Chinese Journal of Microcirculation