目的 :探讨前列腺特异性抗原在前列腺疾病中的诊断价值。方法 :采用北京医科大学泌尿外科研究所提供的药盒 ,并应用他们创立的生物素 -亲和素酶联免疫法进行前列腺特异抗原 (PSA)测定 ,总例数 2 1 8例 ,其中前列腺癌 3 5例 ,前列腺增生症 1 0 8例 ,前列腺炎 3 3例。另一对照组 ,正常男性 2 5~ 5 1岁共 2 6人 ,正常女性 3 0~5 0岁共 1 6人。结果 :前列腺癌患者血清PSA含量明显高于其它各组 ,且本组病人分期越晚 ,PSA值越高。前列腺增生症组部分病人血清PSA升高 ,但均局限在一定范围内 (不超过 1 1ng/ml) ,且与前列腺增大的体积成正相关 ,即增生体积在Ⅲ°时 ,PSA可接近 1 0ng/ml,或稍大于 1 0ng/ml。前列腺炎患者 ,正常男性及女性 ,PSA值均正常。结论
Objective :To study the significance of PSA in the disease of prostate.We measured PSA by BA-ELISA method in 218 patients. Among them, there are 35 prostatic cancers, 108 benign prostate hyperplasias and 33 prostatitises,the others are 42 cases. The levels of PSA in prostatitic cancer were obviously higher than BPH and other cases (P<0 05).We believe that serum PSA level is valuable for the early dignosis of prostatic cancer.
Journal of Dalian Medical University