
小鼠群暴发沙门氏菌病的病原学及病理学研究 被引量:1

Etiological and Pathological Studies on An Outbreak of salmonellosis in Mice
摘要 目的 查明小鼠暴发原因不明的急性传染病病因及病理形态学特点,为临床及病理诊断提供依据。方法 解剖临床发病及死亡小鼠24只,从内脏分离致病菌,进行生化反应、血清学检测及病理组织学检查。结果 从14只昆明小白鼠及14只NIH小白鼠分别分离出11株和9株致病菌,该20个菌株的生化反应和血清学反应完全符合肠炎沙门氏菌血清型,抗原式为9,12:g,m:-。病理形态学改变主要表现肝、脾、肠系膜淋巴结及肠壁集合淋巴结肿大,镜下,肝、脾和淋巴结单核巨噬细胞弥漫性增生,并形成多发性特征性伤寒样肉芽肿,灶状坏死,弥漫性血管内凝血,肝细胞广泛水样变及气球样变为其病理形态学特点。结论 小鼠群由于感染肠炎沙门氏菌暴发兽疫流行,其肝、脾和淋巴结的伤寒样肉芽肿具有特征性,可作为小鼠沙门氏菌病病理诊断及鉴别诊断的可靠依据。 [ Abstract] Objective To explore the cause and pathomorphological characteristics of an outbreak of Salmonellosis in mice and provide a basis for the clinical and pathological diagnosis of it. Methods Twenty - four pathogenic or dead mice in this outbreak were dissected, and the pathogens were isolated out from the viscera of them and studied by biochemical, serological and histopathological examinations. Results Eleven and 9 pathogenic strains were isolated out from 14 Kunming mice and 14 N: NIH mice respectively. The biochemical and serological reactions of the 20 strains fully fit in with those of Salmonella enteritidis . The antigen modes of them were 9, 12: g, m:~ . Pathomorphological changes were mainly characterized by the lymph -adenectasis in liver, spleen, mesentery and aggregated lymphatic follicles of intestinal wall. Diffuse proliferations of mononuclear- macrophage were observed in liver, spleen and lymph node under light microscope, and multiple and characteristic typhoidal granuloma were formed. The pathoaorphological characteristics of this outbreak were focal necrosis, diffuse intravascular coagulation and extensive hydropic change and balloning degeneration of liver cells. Conclusion This outbreak in mice is caused by Salmonella enteritidis . The typhoidal granuloma in liver, spleen and lymph node can be used as a reliable basis of pathological and differential diagnoses of murine Salmonellosis.
出处 《中国生物制品学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2002年第1期55-57,共3页 Chinese Journal of Biologicals
关键词 小鼠 沙门氏菌 血清型 病原学 病理学 Mouse salmonelosis Serology Etiology Pathology
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