企业竞争逐步从过去注重单个企业发展战略 ,向企业联盟以及企业集群战略演化 ,企业集群通过协同效应所显现的竞争优势 ,不仅日益备受关注 ,而且集群战略已成为企业、区域发展的重要模式。本文首先简介企业集群概念 ,接着从直接经济要素和非直接经济要素两个方面分析集群的竞争优势。前者包括生产成本优势、基于质量基础的产品差异化优势、区域营销优势、市场竞争优势四个方面 ;后者体现在区域创新能力上。
Competition among enterprises has been evolved from individuals into strategic alliance and enterprises cluster. The eminent competitive advantage of enterprises cluster on the basis of synergy effect attracts researcher's attention from economics and management at home and abroad. Cluster has been become one of the most important strategies for regional economic growth. This article introduces the concept of enterprises cluster at first, and then analyzes the advantage of enterprises cluster from both economic factors and non-economic factors. The former includes advantage of production cost, advantage of product's differentiation based on its quality, advantage of regional marketing and competitive advantage in market; the latter includes the capability of innovation in region.
China Industrial Economics
国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 4 0 0 71 0 2 8)