在生产条件下比较了用 Al- P中间合金与磷盐变质剂处理共晶和过共晶 Al- Si合金的工艺特点、变质效果、力学性能和综合成本等 ,结果表明 :使用 Al- P中间合金操作方便 ,变质效果好、且稳定 ,力学性能也有不同程度的提高 ,而且该中间合金无渣、无污染 ,其使用可以实现生产过程的“零时间”变质处理 ,节约能源 ,提高生产效率 ,提高合金的实收率 ,降低产品的综合成本 ,有着良好的应用前景。
The technical characteristics,refinement effects,mechanical properties and total costs by using Al-P master alloys and phosphorus salts to modify the eutectic and hypereutectic Al-Si alloys were compared in practice production condition.The experimental results show that Al-P master alloys have many advantages such as more convenient in adding practice,more stable and better modification effects,higher mechanical properties of modified Al-Si piston alloys and lower total cost over phosphorus salts.Furthermore,the usage of Al-P master alloys can get a No Modifying Time procedure and has no pollution,no reaction slag in practice application.So it can save energy,increase production efficiency and decrease the wastage of Al-Si alloys.Therefore,the use of Al-P master alloys can reduce the total cost of products and Al-P master alloys have a good application prospect.
Internal Combustion Engine Parts