目的 :观察灵芝对小鼠智力的影响。方法 :灵芝水煎剂以每 10 0 g体重 1ml(低剂量组为 5 g/ kg,高剂量组为 10 g/ kg)连续灌胃 2周 ,测定学习记忆和单胺类神经递质。结果 :与对照组相比 ,灵芝能显著提高小鼠大脑 5 -羟色胺和多巴胺的含量 (P<0 .0 5 ) ,明显增强小鼠的学习能力 (P<0 .0 1) ,对小鼠的自发活动具有一定的抑制作用。结论 :灵芝具有明显抗衰益智的作用。
Objective:The effect of Ganoderma lucidum on wit in mice was observed. Methods:The ability of learning and memory and the content of monoamine neurotransmitters were measured after the mice were kept on giving the water extract of Ganoderma lucidum ig.5 g/kg body weight in low dose group and ig. 10g/kg in high dose group for two weeks. Results: Ganoderma lucidum caused significant increase in the ability of learning and memory, and in 5 hydroxytryptamine and dopamine level of cerebrum in mice. It also caused decrease in spontanous aciton in mice. Conclusion: Ganoderma lucidum had the effects on delaying senecence and profiting wit.
Lishizhen Medicine and Materia Medica Research