通过SDS -PAGE技术和A -PAGE技术对 8个小麦种质系的高分子量谷蛋白亚基(HMW -GS)和醇溶蛋白亚基进行分析发现 ,有 3个种质系中含有被公认的优质亚基 5 + 10亚基 ,同时 7+ 8亚基、1、2 等强弹亚基都有不同程度的出现。这些种质系的醇溶蛋白与作为对照的普通小麦相比在谱带的数量和分布上都有很大的差异。其醇溶蛋白带型丰富 ,一共分离出 35种不同的醇溶蛋白谱带 ,而作为对照的 7个普通小麦品种一共分离出 16条谱带。在ω -快带区和γ -慢带区有较对照品种丰富的谱带出现。同时还发现其种质系缺少GLd1B3位点。研究认为 ,这 8个种质系是新型的育种材料。具有丰富的优质亚基和兼抗多种病害的优良抗性 ,宜发展为核心种质进行保存。
In this article , HMW-GS and gliadin of 8 wheat germplasm lines were analysed by the techniques of SDS-PAGE,A-PAGE.The results show that these wheat germplasm lines are different from the other common wheats used as contrast in this research.The glutenin analysis shows that these germplasm lines include many HMW-GS such as 5+10,7+8,2 *,1,which were acknowledge to be relevant to 'good' quality traits;the gliadin analysis shows that these germplasm lines are different from each other or other common wheats as contrast in quantity and patterns of the band, paticularly in ω fast region and γ slow region .There are more bands than other common wheats as contrast.