在黔西北山区对高油 115和吉油 1号两个高油玉米进行了产量及含油特性的研究。结果表明 ,高油 115和吉油 1号在黔西北山区的生态和生产条件下 ,产量分别达到 4 2 1 77kg·6 6 7m- 2 和379 6 3kg·6 6 7m- 2 ,含油量达到 7 88%和 7 82 % ,油酸、亚油酸和亚麻酸的含量 ,高油 115为35 4 8%、4 9 6 3%和 0 4 7% ,吉油 1号为 37 30 %、4 7 5 5 %和 0 74 %。
In Guizhou northwest mountain area, the yield and content trait of oil were investigated for high oil corn Gaoyou No.115 and Jiyou No.1. The results are that with the ecoclimate and planting conditions of Guizhou northwest mountain area, the yields of high oil corn Gaoyou No.115 and Jiyou No.1 obtain the 421 77kg·667m -2 and 379 63kg·667m -2 respectively. The contents of oil reach at 7 88% and 7 82% respectively. The contents of oleic acid, linoleic acid and linolenic acid, Gaoyou No.115 is 35 48%,49 63% and 0 47% , Jiyou No.1 is 37.30%,47 55% and 0 74% respectively.
贵州省"九五"农业科技攻关资助项目 [黔科合 (1999) 110 2 ]