
四能级系统中ac-Stark分裂研究 被引量:3

Study on the ac-Stark splitting in a four-level system
摘要 提出一双光场作用下的四能级系统 ,并对四能级模型的共振荧光谱作了详尽的研究 .原子的共振荧光谱随Ra bi频率的变化展示出能级的ac Stark分裂 ,且在很大参量范围内光谱具有这一特性 .但当只有一个激发通道时不产生ac Stark分裂 .在一定的条件下原子的共振荧光谱出现了两条黑线 (darkline) .可以认为ac Stark分裂的产生是多通道量子干涉的结果 .利用缀饰态理论对ac We present a model of the four level system driven by double optical fields and investigate the resonant fluorescence spectroscopy in detail. The ac Stark splitting exhibits in the resonant fluorescence spectroscopy from an upper level to lower-lying levels, which occurs over a wide range of the parameters. The ac Stark splitting does not occur when only exists a coherence field. For certain Rabi frequencies, there are double dark lines in the four level system. The generation of ac Stark splitting is the result of the multi channel quantum interference. The origin of the ac\|Stark splitting is explained clearly by the theory of dressed state.
出处 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第4期782-788,共7页 Acta Physica Sinica
关键词 四能级系统模型 ac-Stark分裂 黑线 多通道量子干涉 共振荧光谱 缀饰态 量子光学 four level system model, ac Stark splitting, dark line, multi channel quantum interference
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