汉语话语中不仅存在单话题 ,还存在多话题。话题的辖域有大有小 ,可根据辖域的大小将话题分为语篇话题、语链话题和语句话题三类。根据话题的性质和功能 ,多话题可分为情景话题、主旨话题、论元话题三类 ,多话题的排序一般遵循情景———主旨———论元话题的序次。话语生成的组合顺序多为逆向组合。
In fact, the subjects of discourses on Chinese language include both single\|subjects and multiple\|subjects. Some subjects are big, and some are small. Accor ding to the territory, the subjects of conversations are classified as follows: text-subjects, conjunction\|subjects, and word subjects. Accor ding to the natures and functions, multiple subjects are classified as follows: scene subjects, purport\|subjects, and principle discussed subjects. generally, generally the arrangement of multiple subjects complies with the order: scene, purport, and discussing principle. Lots of organizational orders of subjects of conversations are contrary orders. [
Journal of Minzu University of China(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)