科技与诗 (艺术 )的关系问题 ,是近代中外学术界十分关注、众说纷纭的问题。瑞恰慈在 2 0世纪 2 0年代 ,发表的《科学与诗》等著作 ,根据当时心理科学方面取得的成果 ,论述了科学发展对诗及诗歌研究的影响。文章以韦勒克对瑞恰慈在这方面的否定性批评为线索 ,试图重新估量瑞恰慈理论的历史与现实价值及其失误。认为 ,关注科技发展对艺术的积极影响是人文学者不可推卸的职责。文章还对《科学与诗》在中国的影响进行了分析 。
The relation of science and technology to poetry has been a much- disputed problem that has attracted the attention of academia at home and abroad since the modern times.In his Science and Poetry and other workspublished in the1 92 0 s,I.A.Richardshas discussed,in the lightof contemporary achieve- ments in psychological science,the influence of the development of science and technology upon poetry writing and poetry studies.Following the line of Rene Wellek'snegative criticism of Richard'stheory,this paper attempts to revalue the theory's historical and realistic merits and demerits. The author maintains thatitis humanists'bounden responsibility to directtheir attention to the positive influence of the develop- ment of science and techonology upon arts.In an analysis of the impactof Science and Poetry in China,the paper also points out that it is worth paying close attention to the insufficiency of Chinese academic criti- cism in the respect of metaphysics.
Journal of Tsinghua University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)