西部地区有着丰富的自然资源 ,但社会经济资源相对薄弱 ,市场建设相对落后。对此要用辩证的态度来看待 :自然资源优势不等于经济优势 ,社会经济资源薄弱和市场落后却蕴藏着潜力。通过增强西部地区的各种优势 ,在有关领域实现东西部地区联手开发 。
There are rich natural resources in the west China, but the social and economic resources are relatively poor, and the market construction is somewhat backward. We should deal with them in a dialectical way. The advantages in natural resources are not equal to those in economy. However, the poor social and economic resources and backward market bear great potentiality. If the superiority in the west is strengthened and the resources are developed jointly in some fields by the both east and west, it is sure to bring about common prosperity.
Journal of Hefei University of Technology(Social Sciences)