195 7年的反右派斗争极其严重地混淆了社会主义社会里两类不同性质的矛盾 ,把一大批干部和知识分子错划为右派分子 ,作为敌我矛盾处理 ,把广大知识分子都划进“资产阶级”的范畴 ,打入了“另册”,这就直接地削弱了人民民主专政的群众基础。反右派斗争的扩大化窒息了言路 ,助长了“左”的情绪发展 ,对社会主义事业的发展造成了危害。历史的经验值得汲取。
The Anti Rightist Struggle in 1957 mixed up the two different type of contradictions completely,a large number of cadres and intellectuals were mistaken as the bourgeois rightists;During that period of time,It was a kind of contradiction of friend and foe that belonged to 'the Other Register'(a Qing Dynasty census book for listing disreputable people);Therefore,the struggle weakened directly the masses base of the peoples democratic dictatorship and stifled criticisms and suggestions, and encouraged the trend of 'Left' deviation.It brought serious harmful result to the cause of the socialism of China.
Journal of Shanxi Normal University(Social Science Edition)