“哲理化”是西方现代戏剧区别于传统戏剧的重要特征之一。西方戏剧向来排斥哲理 ,单纯追求一种动情的快感。直至 19世纪末 2 0世纪初 ,才出现了戏剧“哲理化”趋向 ,开始追求一种思考的乐趣。易卜生的“讨论”式戏剧、布莱希特的“间离”式戏剧、萨特的哲学化戏剧、荒诞派的“直喻”式戏剧作为“哲理化”戏剧的代表 ,在戏剧哲理化的探索上做出了重大贡献。
Philosophized making is one of the important features that made a distinction between modern western dramas and traditional ones. Western dramas seek purely a kind of emotional pleasure,while repels philosophical ideals. By the end of 19 century and at the beginning of 20 century the writers of the dramas sought a kind of thinking delight, meanwhile the philosophized tendency appeared. The representatives of the philosophized dramas are Henrik Ibsen's 'disccussion type';Bertolt Breckt's 'unfamiliarized type';Jean Paul's 'philosophized dramas' and the absurd school's 'simile type'.These authors made great contributions to the exploration of the philosophized Western dramas.
Journal of Shanxi Normal University(Social Science Edition)