按照政治经济学的传统观点 ,劳动价值论是一种关于社会主义必然取代资本主义的科学思想。本文通过对劳动价值论中的价值规定进行分析 ,认为 :基于资本主义或市场经济而发展起来的劳动价值论 ,它不仅能够对资本主义的生产方式与基本规律进行深入的揭示 ,同时也必然能够对市场经济的基本规律给予科学的概括。劳动价值论能够解决市场经济实际中最基本的理论问题 ,即稀缺性资源的配置问题。
Traditionally, the theory of labor value is considered scientific to claim the inevitability of socialisms replacement of capitalism, and this paper suggests, from an analysis of value definition, that this theory not only reveals the production pattern and basic law of capitalism, but also capable of describing scientifically he the basic law of market economy, as well as offering an answer to the most fundamental issue in the market economy: distribution of short_for natural resources.