明清盐业文化对明清小说的创作产生了一定的影响 ,盐业走私孕育的绿林文化及官商勾结垄断盐业经营权 ,牟取高额利润等腐败行为都在明清小说中有所反映。盐商的豪奢生活和附庸风雅对明中叶以后形成的浇薄世风有推波助澜作用 ,但催生了《儒林外史》、《红楼梦》、《镜花缘》
The culture of salt industry in the Ming and Qing Dynasties exerted some influence on the creation of novels.Readers can see from novels of that time corrupt dealings,including outlaw culture stemming from smuggled salt,monopoly of the dealing power in salt for exorbitant profits as a result of the collusion between offcials and merchants.The extravagant life and artiness of the salt merchants aggravated the degenerated morals and manners formed in the mid-Ming Dynasty.However,their life style stimulated the appearance of such important novels as 'The Scholars','The Dream of the Red Chamber'and 'Flowers in a Mirror-an Illusion'.
Journal of Jiangxi Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)