籍贯的含义现有多种解释 ,我国有关法律尚无明确认定 ,在实用中会引起混乱和麻烦。一般有“祖居地说”、“出生地说”、“家庭久居地说”、“现居地说”、“最初户籍地说”五种 ,对此有必要作出法律认定 ,应以“最初户籍地说”
The place of origin has quite a few explanations that have not been confirmed by the present law in our country and therefore may cause confusion and troubles. It is defined differently as 'the place where one's grandparents lived', 'the place of one's cirth', 'the permanent living place of one's family ', 'the present living place', 'the place where one's census was first registered'. One of such definitions should be legally confirmed. The writer think that 'the place where one's census was first registered' is the most appropriate.
Journal of Guizhou Educational College(Social Science Edition)