思想政治教育研究是社会思想政治方面研究开辟的一个新领域。该研究域 的内容也是相当广泛的。其中有两个基本问题是需要正视并通过研究着力解决的,这就是关于思想政治教育研究内容的主题即“人的政治社会化”问题和关于思想政治教育研究的方法论即马克思主义的社会主体系统论问题。暂撇开两问题的具体内容不论,仅就两问题研究要展开必须首先解决的“研究划界”辨识、“问题特性”透视、“基本范畴”引入等作一提示性的简述,也足以表明对这两个问题的科学解决,对于拓展和深入该领域的研究有着十分重要的理论价值。
The ideological and political education research is a new field with quite comprehensive content, which is initiated in the research on ideology and politics. In this field two fundermental problems need solving: the central con tent of the ideological and political education:“human's socialization in po lit ics'; the other is the methodology on the ideological and political education re search-social main part's systemology on the basis of Marxism. Regardless of the specific content of the two problems, only the suggestive brief statement is provided on the following aspects to be solved before the research into the two p roblems-the discrimination in 'research delimitation', the perspective into 'the problems' specificity' and the induction of 'the basic category',which suggests that the problems' scientific solution has very important theoretic value for widening and going deeply into the research of the field.
Journal of Guangzhou University:Social Science Edition