Objective:To explore the influence of gene transf er of TNF receptor (TNFR) on tumorcidal activity of TNF.Methods: By constructing retroviral expression vector of TNFR and transfecting package cell PA317 to pro duce a virus that can transfer TNFR;Then use the virus to infect BIU 87 cell li ne .The TNFR number on tumor cell membrane and the tumorcidal activity of TNF in vi tro were detected.Results:The number of TNFR on a BIU 87 cell membr ane was 912/cell before the infection,and increased to 2 872/cel l(P<0.05).The tumorcidal activity of TNF in vitro was also enhanced(P<0.05).Conclusion:Gene transfer can increase the TNFR expre ssion on tumor cell membrane and the tumorcidal activity of TNF can also be impr oved.
Acta Academiae Medicinae Shandong