目的 动态研究鼻咽癌放疗对视诱发电位的改变。方法 对 6 3例鼻咽癌患者于放疗前、放疗终、放疗后的半年和 1,2 ,3年分别做一次视诱发电位 (VEP)检测 ,并进行自身对照分析。结果男组放疗后 1年的VEP潜伏期比放疗前、放疗终显著延长 ,VEP振幅显著下降 ;放疗后 2年的VEP潜伏期比放疗前显著延长 ,而放疗终及放疗后半年、3年的潜伏期与放疗前比较 ,差异无显著性。女组放疗后 2年的VEP潜伏期比放疗前显著延长 ,放疗后 3年的VEP潜伏期比放疗前、放疗终及放疗后半年、1年显著延长 ;而放疗后 0~ 3年的VEP振幅与放疗前比较 ,差异无显著性。结论 放射线治疗鼻咽癌会对患者的视觉神经系统造成一定的损害 ,所出现的延迟性损伤存在着性别差异。
Objective To study the effect of radiotherapy of nasophary ngeal c arcinoma on visual evoKed potential (VEP). Methods VEP of 63 patients with nasophary ngeal carcinoma were tested before, at the end of, half a y ear, one y ear, 2 y ears and 3 y ears after their radiotherapy . Results Within the male group, one y ear after radiotherapy , the latency of VE P was significantly delay ed than that before and at the end of radiotherapy , whi le t he amplitude was decreased significantly . Two y ears after radiotherapy , the late ncy of VEP was significantly delay ed more than that before radiotherapy . However the re was no signif icant difference among VEP at the end of, half a y ear and 3 y ears after radioth erapy . Within the female group, 2 y ears after radiotherapy , the latency of VEP w as significantly delay ed than that before radiotherapy . Three y ears after radi otherapy , the latency of VEP was significantly delay ed than that before, at the end of, ha lf a y ear and one y ear after radiotherapy . There was no significant difference in VEP amplitudes before and after radiotherapy . Conclusion Within the male gro up, the abnormal delay of VEP latency mostly happens one or two y ears after rad iotherapy . Within the female group, the significant delay of VEP latency happens at the end of radiotherapy and lasts for 3 y ears, while the VEP amplitude does not change significantly during the 3 y ears after radiotherapy . The result indi cates that the sustained radiation damage within the female visual nerve sy stem starts at the end of radiotherapy , but to a lesser degree. It was show n that radiotherapy of nasophary ngeal carcinoma certainly damages the visual n erve sy stem, though there is sex difference in the impairment.
Chinese Journal of Oncology
Nasophary ngeal neoplasms/radiotherapy
Visual evoKed potential