燕山水泥厂700 t d生产线自1987年年底投产,至1990年日产量已多次达到800t。该厂大幅度提高产量的原因何在?本文详细论述了回转窑、预热器系统、三风道喷煤嘴、篦冷机等设备前后两次的热工标定情况,认为这些参数为实现稳产、高产找到了依据和方向。
The capacity of the production line with rated capacity of 700t. d in Yen Shan Cement Plant which was put into operation at the end of 1987, has continuously reached 8001 d in 1990. How can such capacity increase be achieved ? The paper presents the thermal measurments made on the rotary kiln, the suspension preheater. the muln-channal burner and the grate cooler, etc. before and after the capacity increase which can be considered us hasis for maintaining the proformace.
Cement Technology