

Congenital anorectal malformations with vestibular fistula
摘要 目的 :探讨先天性无肛前庭瘘的术式及远期排便功能。方法 :回顾分析 1985年 4月至2 0 0 0年 12月手术的 17例先天性无肛前庭瘘的病历。结果 :直肠前庭瘘 8例 ,其中 3例在外院做过手术 ,手术时做了腹会阴肛门直肠成形术 ,另 5例做了后矢状路肛门直肠成形术。肛门前庭瘘 9例 ,其中1例在外院做过会阴肛门直肠成形术 ,这 9例均做了会阴肛门直肠成形术。 1例术后 2个月死于其它病。12例获得随访。直肠前庭瘘做腹会阴肛门直肠成形术者排便功能优 1例 ,差 1例 ;后矢状路肛门直肠成形术者排便功能优 4例。肛门前庭瘘做肛门直肠成形术者排便功能优 5例 ,良 1例。结论 :我们的经验直肠前庭瘘者选择后矢状路肛门直肠成形术 ,肛门前庭瘘者选择会阴肛门直肠成形术 。 Objective:To study operation methods and long-term fecal continence of congenital Anorectal malformation with vestibular fistula.Methods: 17 charts of congenital Anorectal malformation with vestibular fistula were reviewed Between April 1985 and December 2000. Results: 8 girls were Rectovestibular fistula(RVF),Abdominoperineal Anorecto plasty was performed in 3 girls who had Perinoplasty in other Hospital; Posteric sagittal Anorectoplasty(PSARP) was Performed in 5 girls.9 girls were Anovestibular fistula(AVF),one of them had operated in other Hospital,Perinoplasty was Performed in 9 patients,one died 2 months after sursery.Follow-up dafa of fecal continence were available in 12 pationts.Inabdomino perineal Amorectoplasty,The results were excellent in l and good in 1;In PASRP,The results were excellent in 4.In Perinal Anorectoplasty,the results were excellent in 5 and good in 1.Conclusions: These data show that PASRP or Perineal Anorectoplasty is the first choice operation method for congenital Anorectal malformation with RVF or AVF,respectively and long-term fecal continonce is also excellent.
作者 高蓓 陈永田
出处 《河北医学》 CAS 2002年第1期30-32,共3页 Hebei Medicine
关键词 先天性无肛前庭瘘 临床分析 肛门直肠成形术 Rectvm Anus Vestibular Fistula Anorectoplasty
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