
大承气汤对大鼠实验性肠梗阻治疗作用的超微结构研究 被引量:8

The Ultrastructure Study of Dachengqi Decoction DCQD in the Experimental Intestinal Obstruction in Rats
摘要 用电子显微镜观察了实验性肠梗阻大鼠肠道粘膜上皮细胞的超微结构变化。结果表明:受累小肠粘膜上皮细胞微绒毛减少,线粒体和粗面内质网明显减少,间质明显水肿,炎性细胞浸润增多。大承气汤能明显改善肠梗阻时小肠组织超微结构的损伤,降低嗜中性白细胞的数量,促进线粒体和粗面内质网功能和形态恢复。结果提示:大承气汤改善肠梗阻大鼠小肠粘膜超微结构的病变是其增强肠道防御屏障功能作用的形态学基础。  The ultrastructure changes of intestinal mucosal epithelial cell were observed in the experimental intestinal obstructive rats with electro-microscope.The results showed that the amounts of microvilli,mitochondria and rough surface endoplasmic reticulum (RSER) were all decreased,edema of stroma was obvious,infiltration of inflammatory cells were increased under the electromicroscope,when the intestinal tract was partly ligated.The inflammatory infiltration was also observed.The DCQD can improve the ultrastructure injury of the obstructive intestinal tissues,reduce the amounts of neutrocyte,promote the recovery of both the function and morphology of the mitochondria and RSER.The results suggested that improvment of the pathological changes in the intestinal ultrastructure may be involved in the basis of the enhancement of the defencebarrier function for DCQD.
出处 《中药药理与临床》 CAS CSCD 1997年第6期4-6,共3页 Pharmacology and Clinics of Chinese Materia Medica
关键词 大承气汤 实验性肠梗阻 超微结构 形态学研究 药理 动物实验 Dachengqi Decoction experimetnal intestinal obstruction ultrastructure
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