大黄素及大黄酚剂量依 赖地抑制苯肾上腺素诱导 的豚鼠胸 主动脉环 血管收缩 反应,降低 最大收缩力,显示非竞争性阻断作用,p D’值分别为52 ±05 和45 ±04 。大黄素 和大黄酚 也可抑制 组胺诱导 的血管收缩反应,最大 反应分别降 低386 % 和 192 % ; 且 明显 抑制 K Cl 诱 导 的血 管收 缩反 应, 最大 收缩 力分 别 降低384 % 和188 % ,同浓度大黄素作用明显大于大黄酚。
Effect of emodin and chrysophanol on agonist induced contraction of thoracic aorta (TA) were studied. Emodin and chrysophanol inhibited noncompetitively phenylephrine induced contraction of thoracic aorta of guinea pig in dose dependent manner.pD' values of emodin and chrysophanol for blocking were 5.2±0.5,4.5±0.4,respectively.Emodin and chrysophanol (30μmol/L) also inhibited histamine induced contraction of TA, the maximal contractions were decreased by 38.6% and 19.2%, respectively.Emodin and chrysophanol (30μmol/L) inhibited KCl induced maximal contraction by 38.4% and 18.8%, respectively.The blocking potency of emodin is much stronger than chrysophanol.
Pharmacology and Clinics of Chinese Materia Medica