Arbitration is the talisman to solve the disputes rising frombusiness dealings in an instant, economical and effective way. Thecontracts of business dealings, especially international trades, such asthe establishment of arbitration clauses, the signing of arbitration accordsin occurrence of disputes, and the adaptation of the agreed laws ofarbitration or international exemplary arbitration laws, are ways to solvearbitrational disputes - the channel and guarantee for claims or help forpossible disputes from business dealings. This paper is a study of thedevelopment and practice of the rule of arbitration in Taiwan. Byillustrating the theories and practices of the rules of arbitration in Taiwan,the paper aims to let the readers understand the development and operationof the Taiwan Residents rules of arbitration and to serve as the reference ininstructing the executing of contracts and claiming for reimbursementsfor disputes.
Nankai Business Review