单一的国家课程的课程体系 ,已不可能满足我国社会、经济发展对多种教育层次、多元化人才的需求。“以学生发展为本”的观念已为广大教师所重视。单一的国家课程对教育目标的实现已不可避免地显现其缺陷 ,学校校本课程的开发弥补了国家课程的不足 ,校本课程成为课程研究的新领域。
Single curriculum made by the government is not satisfied for the requirements of the various professionals with the development of the economy. Single curriculum made the education aims handicapped especially in the field of reality of students' development. Curriculums based on the school are the new development of the curriculums by the government.
Journal of Gansu Education College(Social Sciences)