帝国主义是垂死的、腐朽的资本主义 ,是社会主义革命的前夜。从现代资本主义的发展情况来看 ,并没有表现出其垂死性和腐朽性。相反由于高科技的推动和资本主义内部的自我调节 ,其生产力不断高涨 ,经济危机爆发的周期延长 ,工人运动趋于灭亡 ,似乎表现出其社会的进步性。但资本主义最终不能摆脱其灭亡的命运 ,社会主义必然代替资本主义。
Imperialism is a dying and decaying capitalism and the eve of socialist revolution. In view of its development, it doesn't show its decay and approaching death. On the contrary, promoted by high technology and adjusted by itself internally, it means to be progressive with its productivity rising continuously,the period of economic crisis lengthening and labour movement dying out. But it still cannot save itself from its approaching doom and soicalism will take the place of capitalism in the end.
Journal of Yanbei Teachers College