在英语教学中 ,举例的好坏直接影响着课堂效果以至于整个教学效果。“特例刺激法”不但能使学生产生深刻的形象记忆 ,触发学生悟性 ,强化理解程度 ,而且可以调动学生的学习积极性 ,扩大知识面 ,从而形成举一反三、触类旁通的学习心理机制 ,以期培养学生良好的英语学习习惯和学生的创造性思维 。
Giving examles are very important in College English teaching.Good examples can improve the teaching efficiency.Special-example-stimulus can not only produce deep impression on students′minds but also inspire the students′learning enthusiasm,widen their knowledge range.The students may draw inferences about other cases from one instance and comprehend by analogy.It can also make the students form one good learning habits and creative thinking,thus,reinforce their independent ability to analyze and solve problems.
Journal of Yanbei Teachers College