图书馆部室主任不仅是图书馆工作中各项决策的参与者 ,而且是各项决策的具体执行者 ,当好这个角色要有明确的工作计划和正确的决策能力 ,具有知人善任、合理调度、合理分配工作的能力 ,具有相当的图书馆专业知识和计算机理论 ,并有指导工作的能力 ,要有正义感 ,要有计划。
A director of a library section is not only one who participates in making decisions , but also one who execute these decisions . To be a good director, he should have clear work plans and the ability to make correct decisions ; he should know how to judge and use people; he should have professional knowledge and computer theory; he should have the sense of justice.
Journal of Yanbei Teachers College