我们翻阅古代汉语的有关著作时 ,经常会碰到一些字类名称。如果依照现行的观点去理解 ,有时会差之千里。因此 ,弄清它们的来龙去脉 ,对于我们学习古代汉语言及阅读相关典籍都有重要的意义。就常见的字类名称 ,本文对它们的渊源流变进行了梳理 ,从而勾勒出它们在不同时期的大致状况。
While reading the ancient Chinese words, we often meet with some names of words. They may be quite different if understood in a modern way. So gaining a clear idea of their sources is very important for us to learn the ancient Chinese language and to read the relevant words. Concerning the common names of words, this paper mainly combs out their sources and changes and then gives a brief account of their general situation in different periods.
Journal of Yanbei Teachers College