太极拳是我国传统体育项目 ,它有着悠久的历史文化基础。特别是受我国古代道家的影响极其深远 ,太极拳与道家有着极深的历史渊源 ,道家阴阳学说对太极拳理有着巨大的影响。太极、无极、阴阳、动静等太极中常用的术语其实也都是道家常用术语 ,因此研究太极拳也要注意研究它形成的思想基础。
Taijiquan, the traditional physical from in our country, is based on the age-old culture and especially influenced profundly by the ancient Taoist school. There is a close historical relationship between Taijiquan and Taoist school. The commonly-used terms such as Taiji, Wuji, Yinyang, Dongjing in Taijiquan are also seen as the terms that are most in use in Taoist. Hence, the research on the Taijiquan must pay attention to its theoretical fundament.
Journal of Yanbei Teachers College