本文根据MV—8000Ⅱ型机的特点,讨论如何用FORTRAN 77语言实现字符串与数值之间的转换,可变格式输入输出,字符串长度测试,字符串分解、连接和查找,屏幕光标定位,以及在保持屏幕内容不变的情况下,自由跳动光标在不同的屏幕位置进行读写。这对扩大FORTRAN 77的应用范围(DG/SQL数据库管理软件及交互式软件的编制)具有实用意义。
On the basis of characteristics of MV-8000/Ⅱ type computer, this paper makes investigation on the problems of how to use FORTRAN 77 language to carry out the conversions between character string and numerical values; variable format for input/output; test of character string length; discomposi-tion, connection and search of character string; positioning of optical marks on screen, and under a condition without any change of screen contents. by free skipping of optical marks to different positions on screen to carry on read/write operatipn.All in above, to extend the applied areas of FORTRAN 77, by compiling DG/SQL data base administrative software and interactive software, is valuable for practical activities.
Port & Waterway Engineering