三峡工程是开发和治理长江的关键性骨干工程。三峡工程开工 8年来 ,建立健全了一套比较完善的质量保证体系 ,实行了全过程、全方位、分层次的质量管理 ,工程质量得到了有效控制 ,工程质量良好 ,满足设计要求。文章在详细介绍三峡工程质量管理与控制的基础上 ,对今后工作提出了几点建议。
The Three Gorges Project(TGP) is a vitally important and backbone project in the development and harnessing of the Yangtze River. Since TGP started eight years ago, a matured and complete quality assurance system has been established with the whole process, full direction and sliced quality adiminstration. The quality of the project has been controlled effectively and the result is quite good and accords with the requirements of design. Based on a detailed introdution of the TGP quality assurece and quality control, the paper give some suggestions and views about the work in the future. [
Strategic Study of CAE