由于导弹在不同高度变速飞行 ,导弹控制系统是一个时变的非最小相位系统 ,因此导弹控制系统设计是比较复杂的。经典的设计方法一般应用频率响应法、根轨迹法或时域法 ,在初步设计时这些方法还是比较复杂的。采用现代的自适应控制方法也比较复杂。这里给出一种简易的控制系统设计方法——标准系数法 ,这种方法能够根据闭环系统的特征多项式迅速确定校正环节的设计参数 ,通过在反馈回路中引入与动压成反比的放大系数来自适应调节导弹滚动稳定回路性能。研究结果表明这种方法是简单和实用的。
Existed design methods for the roll stablized loop of missile are, to our best knowledge, rather complicated. Our aim is to present a simplified design method. A mathematic model for the roll stablized loop of missile is established. The main concepts of the well known standard coefficient method is summarized, which is simple and can serve as the starting point of our simplified design method. The key feature of our simplified design method is the introduction of a proper amplification coefficient inversely proportional to the dynamic pressure, which can improve the performance of the roll stablized loop adaptively. Simulation results show that our simplified adaptive design method is indeed simple and practical.
Electronics Optics & Control
国家自然科学基金项目 (6 9974 0 2 9)