知识分子受传统文化的潜在影响比其他阶层的人更深刻。中国旧知识分子深受儒学正统、家本位、重和谐怕冲突等传统文化思想的影响 ,传统文化的消极因素在部分知识分子心理上的积淀就形成其病态人格。现代文学中涉及探讨知识分子人格的重要作品 ,艺术地展示了这种病态的成因 ,表现了作家对知识分子劣根性的揭露、对旧传统文化的批判、为重构新文化开拓道路。把握文化与人格的关系 ,对我们解读探讨知识分子题材的作品 ,实现传统知识分子人格向现代转化 ,很有现实意义。
Intellectuals are unconsciously influenced more deeply than those of other social strata. The intellectuals of China are profoundly affected by the traditional ideas such as being orthodoxy of Confucianism, taking home as the basic unit, preferring harmony, and avoiding conflicts and so on. The accumulation of their negative side could help some of the intellectual form their abnormal personality. In some well-known modem literature works dealing with the intellectual personality, the writers deeply exposed the deep-rooted bad habits of the intellectuals and criticized the traditional culture by artisticallydisplaying the causes of the defect so as to open the way for reconstructing a new culture. Insight into the relations between culture and personality is practically significant for us to interpret those concerning intellectuals and modernize the traditional intellectual personality.
Journal of Qinghai Junior Teachers' College