未来几十年 ,在世界范围内 ,水资源的矛盾将日趋紧张 .我国的水资源严重短缺 ,且分布很不平衡 .农业用水占总用水的 80 % .在农业灌溉中推广自动化控制 ,不仅可以缓解水资源严重短缺的矛盾 ,同时可以提高农作物的产量 ,降低农产品的成本 .本文详细介绍了应用在农业灌溉中的自动控制的多种方法 .我国的幅员辽阔 ,可以根据本地区的实际情况 。
In the coming decades,there will be a growing wordwide shortage of water resources.In China,water,as a natural resource,is not only insufficient but also unevenly distributed over the country.The agriculture accounts for 80% of water consumption.Automatic control in agricultural irrigation can raise the yield of crops and cut down the cost of production as well as solve the problem of water shortage.This article gives a detailed description of different methods of automatic control in agricultural irrigation,which can be adopted to fit different regions in China.
Journal of Hohai University Changzhou