针对裂缝 孔隙油藏的渗流特征 ,在裂缝和基块之间存在流体的交换 ;以往的裂缝性油藏并没有考虑流体之间的渗流 ,仅仅将裂缝和基块之间的流体交换作为源和汇 ;考虑裂缝与基块之间的渗流建立裂缝 孔隙油藏全耦合的渗流微分方程 ;该渗流微分方程考虑压差对裂缝和基块的影响 ,对方程采用无因次化 ,将方程简化 ,通过Laplace变换 ,利用解的迭加原理 ,获得模型的Laplace空间解 ,这解对理解裂缝
According to the fluid flow character of the fractured?porous reservoir, there is the fluid exchange between the fracture and matrix. The fluid flow among the fluids was not considered in fracture reservoir in the past, and only the source and sink was considered in the fluid exchange between the fracture and matrix. The paper established the fluid flow different equation of the full coupled fracture?porosity reservoir in term of the fluid flow between the fracture and matrix, the paper presented the Laplace transform solution in the Laplace space by the principle of the superposition. It has an important guidance meaning to understand the fluid flow law of the fracture?porosity reservoir and well testing analysis.
Journal of Southwest Petroleum Institute