

The Mystery of Qi Yu Zhuan:A Study of the Text Spread,Authorship and Creative Meaning
摘要 清人陈尚古著录、茅坤第三子茅镳所作《祁禹传》,一直被认为是一部失传的百回巨著。通过文献的考辨可知,其书并未佚失,而是改名为《天缘奇遇》并被收入明代通俗类书之中。探索这一公案的关键在于破解作者利用自己姓名所设之隐谜:茅镳只是茅坤第三子茅贡(后改名国绶)的托名,他因自己姓"茅"之音同于"毛",名"贡"源于《禹贡》,从而利用《百家姓》"祁毛禹狄"的熟语,为小说主人公赋名"祁禹",并以此二字谐音"奇遇";又据《诗经》"德如毛"之句,为祁禹拟字"子",再据《诗经》"车鸾镳"之句,为自己拟"笔名"为"镳"字"右鸾"。此书创作原型当为作者长兄茅翁积,故创作时间应在万历十年(1582)茅翁积瘐死狱中后不久。其创作命意亦源于长兄放浪声伎从而被人构诬以死的悲剧,作品表层的艳遇书写之下,凸显的是茅家试图摆脱茅翁积事件评价窘境的姿态;而其纵情声色的描写对晚明小说产生了巨大影响,也曲折地反映了晚明社会中欲望与伦常之间的冲突。 In Qing Dynasty,in Chen Shanggu's catalog of ancient works Mao,Kun's third son Mao Biao's creation Qi Yu Zhuan has been considered as a novel lost,through research we can know that in fact this book is not lost,it was compiled in Ming Dynasty popular books of classical Chinese novel titled Tianyuan Qiyu.The key to explore this koan is crack which is established by the author use their name riddle..Mao Biao is a pseudonym of MaoGong (later renamed GuoShou)who is MaoKun's third son.Because his own surname "Mao"(茅)sounds the same as "Mao"(毛),"Gong"from "Yu Gong"(禹贡), and BaiJiaXin have a idiom "Qi Mao Yu Di",as the protagonist named "Qi Yu",and on the two homonym "adventure";and according to the "Deyourumao"of ShiJing,named "ZiYou"intends to Qi Yu,according to "You Che Luan Biao"of ShiJing,named himself "Biao"and "YouLuan'.The archetype for the author when the eldest brother Mao Wengji,the creation time should be in Wanli ten years(1582)soon after Mao Wengji die in prison.The significance of the creation of works should be derived from the author's eider brother was framed by sex and caused the tragedy,in the work surface of the erotic description,showing an attitude at trying to get rid of the dilemma of Mao Wengji event;and the erotic description also have great influence in late Ming Dynasty novels,at the same time reflects the conflict between desire and ethics in late Ming dynasty.
作者 李小龙 LI Xiao-long(School of Chinese Langguage and Literature,BNU,Beijing 100875,China)
出处 《北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第6期66-76,共11页 Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 北京市社会科学基金项目"中国散文评点史研究"(16WXB005)
关键词 《祁禹传》 《天缘奇遇》 祁羽狄 茅镳 茅贡 茅国绶 茅翁积 Qi Yu Zhuan Tianyuan Qiyu Qi Yudi Mao Biao MaoGong Mao Guoshou Mao Wengji
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