
论埃里克·沃格林“新政治科学”的逻辑起点 被引量:7

On the Logical Start of Eric Voegelin's “New Science of Politics”
摘要 作为20世纪一位重要的政治思想家,埃里克·沃格林在政治哲学与历史哲学领域有其独到贡献,但汉语学界对他的研究仍处起步阶段。沃格林在一些核心概念上采用了与人们通常的理解有所不同的用法,这对我们准确理解其思想意涵造成了困难。在沃格林所倡导的新政治科学中,"寻求秩序"是其理论工作的目标,而"秩序"既意味着人所经验到的实在的结构,又指人与该结构保持着协调关系之时的那种生存状态。寻求秩序的工作经由对"经验"和"符号"的分析而展开。在沃格林那里,"经验"指的是人对存在及其秩序的经验,其中不仅包括人们通常所理解的有关外在事物、经由感官获得的经验,而且包括那些只能通过一定的凝思才能有所认识的超越经验。与此相应,作为对经验的语言表达,沃格林所关注的"符号"涵盖了由神话、哲学、宗教启示乃至于神秘主义所包含的各种内容。由此,沃格林的新政治科学明确地拒斥、或者说超越了通常意义上的政治科学与政治哲学之分,这是由深受实证主义影响的现代学术主流基于事实与价值的分野而作出的。相反,沃格林的新政治科学呈现为一种哲学性的经验研究,以各个时代、各个社会的人们有关秩序问题的符号化表达作为其研究对象。 As an important political thinker in the 20th century,Eric Voegelin has made unique contribution in the field of politieal philosophy and historical philosophy,whereas'the study of him by the Chinese-speaking scholars is still in the initial stages.It is quite common for a reader of Voegelin's writings to find himself eneountered by diffieulty,which is caused,to a great extent,by Voegelin's unusual usage of some key concepts.According to Voegelin,"to search order"is the purpose of his theoretical work,and order means both the structure of the reality experienced by people and the state of existence when people keep in attunement with the structure.It is through analysis of experiences and symbols that the search of order is carried out.In Voegelin's writings,the word "experienee"indicates human experience of the Being and its order,comprising both the experience usually understood by people,namely that of external things and acquired by sense organs,as well as the transcendent experience which is acquired only through meditation.Correspondingly,as the expressions of experience in language,the word "symbol'covers the various contents of myth,philosophy,revelation and mysticism.Therefore,Voegelin's "new science of politics"rejects explicitly the customary distinction between political science and political philosophy,a distinction made by the modern mainstream scholarship which is deeply influenced by positivism.In contrast,Voegelin's new science of politics is devoted to empirical studies in philosophical perspective,and its objects are the symbolisms of order presented by peoples of various ages and societies.
作者 叶颖 YE Ying(School of Philosophy,BNU,Beijing 100875,China)
出处 《北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第6期110-116,共7页 Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 北京市社会科学基金项目“当代西方古典主义政治哲学研究”(17ZXB005).
关键词 埃里克·沃格林 秩序 经验 符号 Eric Voegelin order experience symbol
分类号 C [社会学]
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