
一种适用于复杂换热网络优化的耦合联动进化策略 被引量:5

A Coupled Evolutionary Strategy for Complex Heat Exchanger Network Optimization
摘要 针对启发式算法在优化换热网络后期由于种群多样性消失等原因造成难以找到使年综合费用进一步下降的进化方向,本文提出换热器耦合联动进化策略.该策略在一般启发式算法优化后期通过按一定概率分布抽取部分换热量不为零的换热器参与联动进化,以找到使费用下降的耦合匹配.算例验证表明,该策略效果明显.将该策略与RWCE算法相结合组成一种混合算法.首先采用RWCE算法对求解域进行初步探索,利用该算法强大的全局搜索能力找到求解域内各个潜力结构.然后再用耦合联动进化策略对各潜力结构进行深入搜索,搜索完成后再经变异反馈给RWCE算法.将该混合算法应用于10SP2和15SP算例,得到了较好的优化结果. Aiming at populating diversity is disappared or other reasons in the later stage of optimiging heat exchanger network synthesis problem,it is difficult to find direction of evolution which makes total annual cost further reduce in optimization.A coupling evolution strategy of heat exchanger was proposed.In later stage of heuristic algorithm optimization,heat exchangers with no heat load are taken into eoupled evolution by a certain probability distribution,to find coupling match to reduce eost.It shows that the strategy is effective.The strategy was combined with RWCE algorithm to form a hybrid algorithm.Firstly,RWCE algorithm was used to explore solution domain to find potential solutions by its strong global searching ability.Seeondly,the coupled evolution strategy is applied to further optimize for these explored solutions.Thirdly,the further optimized solutions are fed baek to RWCE algorithm after mutated. The hybrid algorithm is applied to 10SP2 and 15SP,and better optimization results are obtained.
作者 邓炜栋 崔国民 肖媛 DENG Weidong;CUI Guomin;XIAO Yuan(Research Institute of New Energy Science and Technology,University of Shanghai for Science and Technology,Shanghai 200093,China)
出处 《计算物理》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期675-684,共10页 Chinese Journal of Computational Physics
基金 国家自然科学基金(51176125) 沪江基金研究基地专项(D14001)资助项目
关键词 耦合联动 换热网络 制约关系 强制进化随机游走算法 coupling heat exchanger network restrictive relation random walk algorithm with compulsive evolution
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