
马克思主义“国家资本主义”理论正本清源 被引量:6

The Original Theory of Marxist “State Capitalism”
摘要 近期,"国家资本主义"发展模式被"老调重谈"。为彻底廓清真相,有必要对这一理论正本清源。马克思主义"国家资本主义"理论分两个层次:一是揭示帝国主义的国家垄断资本主义的本质和作用,其是"国家资本主义"典型的高端形态;二是扬弃"国家资本主义"方式用于社会主义过渡时期改造私人资本,由列宁提出、毛泽东丰富和成功运用,在我国早已完成其历史使命。部分西方国家利用"国家资本主义"抹黑中国也有两个层次:一是以荒谬的逻辑歪曲中国特色社会主义和对外开放,把垄断专制加在中国头上,而虚伪地标榜自己为"自由市场经济"样板;二是极力推进其国家垄断资本主义控制世界市场和实施霸权主义,逆经济全球化潮流而动。应利用中国特色社会主义科学逻辑应对、挫败其垄断逻辑,用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想指导深化改革开放、实现伟大的历史使命。 Recently, the development model of "state capitalism" has been brought up again. In order to completely clarify the truth, it is necessary to clear the source of this theory. Marxist "state capitalism" theory is divided into two levels : one is to reveal the essence and role of imperialist state monopoly capitalism, which is the typical high-end form of "state capitalism" ; the second is to abandon the "state capitalism" mode In the period of socialist transition, the transformation of private capital, which was proposed by Lenin and enriched and applied by Mao Zedong, has already completed its historical mission in China. Western countries use "state capitalism" to discredit China. There are also two levels: one is to distort socialism With Chinese characteristics and open up policy with absurd logic, to add monopoly autocracy to China, and to falsely label itself as a "free market economy. " The second is to vigorously promote its true "state capitalism", that is, the state monopoly capitalism controls the world market and implements hegemonism, against the trend of economic globalization. We should use the scientific logic of socialism with Chinese characteristics to cope with and defeat its monopoly logic, and use Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics fora New Era to guide deepening reform and opening up and realize a great historical mission.
作者 杨承训 Yang Cheng -xun(Research Center on Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Henan University of Economics and Law,Zhengzhou Henan 450046)
出处 《经济纵横》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第11期1-8,137,共8页 Economic Review Journal
关键词 国家资本主义 国家垄断资本主义 马克思主义 列宁 对外开放 State Capitalism State Monopoly Capitalism Marxism Lenin Opening Up
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