10月16日,装扮一新的栖霞文化广场人潮涌动,热闹非凡,处处洋溢着金秋的丰收与喜悦,第十七届山东栖霞苹果艺术节暨首届“农民丰收节”开幕式在这里隆重举行。本届两节主题为“绿色丰收共享 开放合作创新”,旨在弘扬苹果文化,欢庆苹果丰收,持续打造“苹果之都·绿色新城”城市品牌,创新推动最具胶东风情绿色新城建设,让果都市民共享苹果丰收的喜悦。
On Oct.16,the newly decorated Qixia Cultural Square was packed with people in a lively way and filled with the autumn harvest and joy.Here the grand opening ceremony of the 17th Shandong Qixia Apple Arts Festivalwas held.With the theme of "Green,Harvest, Sharing-Openness,Cooperation,Innovation,"the festivals aimed to promote the apple culture,celebrate the apple harvest,keep forging the city brand as the "Capital of ApplesoNew Green City,"advance the construction of a new green city with best Iiaodong flavors through innovation and enable the citizens in the capital of apples to share the delight of the apple harvest.