排土场作为露天矿山接纳废石的场所,是露天矿组织生产不可缺少的一项永久性工程建筑,其边坡稳定性关乎着人民生命和财产安全。该文以某排土场边坡为例,通过实地勘察研究,分析了该排土场滑坡形成机理。选取2-2'剖面作为典型剖面,应用Slide软件对排土场边坡分别在自重工况和地震工况下进行边坡稳定性分析,得出相应的边坡稳定系数,最后采用Midas软件,对2-2'剖面边坡治理工程进行数值模拟分析。结果表明:在滑坡治理后,2-2'剖面边坡稳定系数从1. 031提高到1. 301,达到排土场边坡治理目的。因此,Slide和Midas软件可为排土场边坡稳定分析及治理提供指导。
The dump as a place for open-pit mines accepting waste rocks is an indispensable permanent engineering building for the production of people's lives and property.In this paper, open-pit mines.The stability of slope relates to the safety of taking a dump slope as an example the formation mechanism of landslide in the dump is analyzed through the field investigation.The 2-2'profile is selected as the typical profile,and the Slide software is used to analyze the slope stability of dump under self-weight condition and earthquake condition respectively,and the corresponding slope stability coefficient is obtained. Finally,the Midas software is used to simulate and analyze the 2-2'section slope treatment project.The results show that the slope stability coefficient of 2-2'section increases from 1.031to 1.301after the landslide treatment.The purpose of slope treatment of dump is achieved.Therefore,the Slide and Midas software can proride guidance for stability analysis and treatment of dump slopes.
Gong Changliang;Liu Zhichao;Liu Shudong;Dai Junjie(Dagushan Branch,Angang Group Mining Co.,Ltd.;Zhongkan Metallurgical Geotechnical Investigation Design and Research Institute Co.,Ltd.)
Site Investigation Science and Technology