
万启南辨治内伤发热 被引量:8

WAN Qinan(万启南) Differentiation and Treatment of Fever due to Internal Injury(内伤发热)
摘要 万启南教授认为内伤发热不外乎气、血、阴、阳、肝、湿、瘀等,与气血阴阳失衡、脏腑功能失调有关。临证首辨阴阳,再分虚实,辨明气血,归属脏腑;分为阴虚发热、阳虚发热、气虚发热、血虚发热、气郁发热、血瘀发热、痰湿郁热。理气疏肝泻热-加味逍遥散,郁久化火-龙胆泻肝汤,益气养阴助阳-地黄饮子、青蒿鳖甲汤、清骨散、生脉散,清热化湿退热-甘露消毒丹,湿热并重-苍术白虎汤,祛瘀养血退热-血府逐瘀汤、桃红四物汤,清营解毒退热-白虎汤、清营汤、犀角地黄汤、清瘟败毒饮、安宫牛黄丸、紫雪丹。万启南强调辨证施治,攻补兼施,顾护脾胃,辨病与辨证结合。附内伤发热(气血两燔兼气阴两虚)验案1则。 WAN Qinan believes that internal injury fever is nothing but Qi,blood,Yin,Yang,liver,dampness and stasis.It is related to the imbalance between Qi and blood Yin and Dysfunction of viscera.the face of the syndrome,Yin and Yang can be distinguished first,then the deficiency and reality,Qi and blood can be distinguished and belong to the viscera.It is divided into Yin deficiency fever syndrome,Yang deficiency fever syndrome,Qi deficiency fever syndrome,blood deficiency fever syndrome,Qi stagnation fever syndrome,blood stasis fever syndrome,phlegm dampness and stagnation of heat syndrome.Regulating Qi and relieving liver diarrhea and fever,Jiaweixiaoyao powder.Qi stagnation fever-Longda Xiegan decoction.Supplementing Qi,nourishing Yin and strengthening Yang,Dihuang Yinzi decoction,qinghao biejia decoction,Shengmai Powde.clearing away heat and dampness and removing heat,Ganlu Xiaodu decoction,equal severity of dampness and heat,Cangzhu baihu decoction.Removing blood stasis,nourishing blood and antipyretic,Xuefu Zhuyu decoction,Taohongsiwu decoction.Clearing away the Ying,eliminating toxin and removing heat,Baihu decoction,Qingying decoction,Qingwen Baidu decoction,Xijiao Dihuang decoction.Angong Niuhuang pill,Zixue pill.WAN Qinan emphasized the treatment of differentiation of symptoms and signs,attacking and supplementing,protecting the spleen and stomach,differentiating disease and syndrome differentiation.There were 1 cases of fever due to internal injury(Qi and Yin Deficiency and vigorous heat at Qi-blood phase).
作者 杨润 万启南 YANG Run;WAN Qinan(Department of Geriatrics,Dali Prefecture Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Dali 671000,Yunnan,China;Department of Geriatrics,the first Affiliated Hospital of Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Kunming,650021,China)
出处 《实用中医内科杂志》 2018年第10期3-6,共4页 Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine
关键词 内伤发热 阴虚发热 阳虚发热 气虚发热 血虚发热 气郁发热 血瘀发热 痰湿郁热 逍遥散 龙胆泻肝汤 地黄饮子 青蒿鳖甲汤 清骨散 生脉散 甘露消毒丹 苍术白虎汤 血府逐瘀汤 桃红四物汤 白虎汤 清营汤 犀角地黄汤 清瘟败毒饮 安宫牛黄丸 紫雪丹 万启南 老中医经验 中医药治疗 fever due to internal injury(内伤发热) Yin deficiency fever syndrome Yang deficiency fever syndrome Qi deficiency fever syndrome blood deficiency fever syndrome Qi stagnation fever syndrome blood stasis fever syndrome phlegm dampness and stagnation of heat syndrome Xiaoyao powder(消遥散) Longda Xiegan decoction(龙胆泻肝汤) Dihuang Yinzi(地黄饮子) Qinghao Biejia decoction(青蒿鳖甲汤) Shengmai powde(生脉饮) Ganlu Xiaodu decoction(甘露消毒饮) Cangzhu baihu decoction(苍术白虎汤) Xuefu Zhuyu decoction(血府逐瘀汤) Taohongsiwu decoction(桃红四物汤) Baihu decoction(白虎汤) Qingying decoction(清营汤) Qingwenbaidu decoction(清瘟败毒饮) Xijiaodihuang decoction Angong Niuhuang pill(安宫牛黄丸) Zixue pill(紫雪丹) WAN Qinan(万启南) experience in traditional Chinese medicine TCM treatment
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