
劣质褐煤富氧燃烧特性的数值模拟研究 被引量:4

Numerical Simulation Research on Oxy-Combustion Characteristic of Low Quality Lignite
摘要 采用内蒙古地区霍林河煤矿褐煤。建立四通道燃烧器和水泥回转窑褐煤富氧燃烧模型并进行数值模拟。针对一次风中旋流风和轴向直流风速度的5种配比工况,计算并分析各工况对回流区和温度场分布的影响,得出最佳工况参数。基于最佳工况参数,模拟并分析富氧气氛与空气气氛下得到的燃烧数据,结果表明:富氧气氛下煤粉燃烧稳定高效,温度分布合理,SO2、NO排放量较低。 Taking the lignite from Huolinhe coal mine in Inner Mongolia as research material,four- channel burner and model of lignite oxygen-enriched combustion system of cement rotary kiln were established and numerically simulated.Aiming at the five kinds of matching conditions of primary swirling wind and axial wind velocity,the influences of each matching condition on the distribution of reeirculation zone and temperature field are calculated and analyzed,and the optimum parameters are obtained;based on the optimum parameters,the combustion data obtained under oxygen-enriched atmosphere and air atmosphere were simulated and analyzed respectively.The results show that the pulverized coal combustion under oxygen-enriched atmosphere is stable and efficient,the temperature distribution is reasonable and the emissions of SO2 and NO under oxygen-enriched atmosphere are lower.
作者 崔昭霞 李俊峰 周全 车航 张永锋 CUI Zhao-xia;LI Jun-feng;ZHOU Quan;CHE Hang;ZHANG Yong-feng(College of Mechanical Engineering,Inner Mongolia University of Technology,Hohlaot 010051,China;Technology Center,Shanxi Aerospace Qinghua Equipment Co.,Ltd.,Changzhi 046000,China;College of Chemical Engineering,Inner Mongolia University of Technology,Hohhot 010051,China)
出处 《煤炭技术》 CAS 2018年第12期314-317,共4页 Coal Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金(21467020)
关键词 褐煤 水泥回转窑 富氧燃烧 数值模拟 lignite cement rotary kiln oxygen-enriched combustion numerical simulation
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