
基于DEA四阶段的我国工业绿色全要素能源效率测度 被引量:5

The Evaluation of Green Total Factor Energy Efficiency in China Based on DEA-four Stage
摘要 为了构建同时包含经济因素和绿色因素的绿色全要素能源效率指标,运用DEA四阶段方法对绿色全要素能源效率进行评价,同时区分内部管理因素和外部环境因素对绿色全要素能源效率的影响程度.实证结果表明:我国总体的能源效率有上升的趋势,在2001-2007年,管理因素起促进作用,2008-2014年的增长由环境条件推动;我国区域和省域间的效率值差异较大,需要分别从内部管理和外部环境两方面进行提升. This paper uses the DEA four stage method to evaluate the green total factor energy efficiency,and to distinguish the impact of internal management factors and external environmental factors on the green total factor energy efficiency.The empirical results show that China's overall energy efficiency is increasing management factors played an important role in the year of 2001-2007,and the growth of energy efficiency was driven by environmental conditions in the year of 2008-2014;the efficiency of China's regional and provincial values are different Among them,the eastern region is optimal,which is mainly restricted by management factors The central and western regions are secondary,because of inferior environment,and the region in the northeast has the worst environmental disadvantages, two factors need to be promoted In addition,Beijing,Tianjin and other provinces need to improve the efficiency of energy and environment Hebei,Shanxi province's environment efficiency and management efficiency are low which need to be improved at the same time. Internal and external factors have a promoting effect on Jiangsu and Guangdong.
作者 冯玮 姚西龙 FENG Wei;YAO Xi-long(School of Economics and Management,Taiyuan University of Technology,Taiyuan 030024 China)
出处 《数学的实践与认识》 北大核心 2018年第23期24-37,共14页 Mathematics in Practice and Theory
基金 国家自然科学基金项目青年项目(41401655)“省域装备制造业绿色创新效率评价、空间关联及提升路径研究”支持
关键词 DEA-SBM 能源效率 管理效率 环境效率 DEA-SBM energy efficiency management efficiency environment efficiency
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