
“熟玩本文,深绎本意”——中国传统文学读解理论的本体性及其现代阐释 被引量:3

Deep Understanding of the Original Intention Repeated and Aesthetically——The Ontology and Modern Interpretation of Chinese Traditional Literary Interpretation Theory
摘要 中国传统文论强调"文以意为主""文以传意",对当今文学研究颇具参考价值和指导意义。古人强调文学读解必须立足于"本",注重文学的本体性探求,其要旨可用宋代王质《诗总闻》所谓的"熟玩本文,深绎本意"来概括,而这句话又源于梁代刘勰的"书亦国华,玩绎方美"观念。用现在的眼光看,此所谓的"本文"既指广义的文学本体存在,又特指狭义的以艺术性、审美性为根本观念,与西方形式主义、结构主义只顾叙述、语言、修辞、结构等因素之纯粹"文本"观念有所不同。按照刘勰、欧阳修等文论家的观点,文学读解首先要"披文入情""据文求义",强调要从"熟玩本文"切入,探讨"写人""叙事""抒情""论理"等"本文"问题。其次,文学读解既注重跨越"本文"间际,把握彼此之间的历时与共时"通变"生态;又力求从文献与文化等视角进行"本文"内外互证,凭着"善读"以达到"深绎本意"的目的。最后,文学读解本体性的根本是"文以人为本",即"文自人""文似人""文写人""文为人"等"人本"理念和文论特质,也进一步为"熟玩本文,深绎本意"打开了思路。总之,在全球性地重视"文本细读""文本内外""文本意义"等理论方法的岁月,我们对以"熟玩本文,深绎本意"为精髓的文学读解理论进行现代阐释、重构,必定会对当今文学研究产生非凡的效用。 Given that Chinese literary theory emphasizes “the meaning of the text is dominating”and “the purpose of the text is communication”,so the traditional theory of literary interpretation has high value and guiding significance for the study of contemporary literature researches.The ancient litterateur emphasized that the interpretation of the meaning of the text must be based on the “root”and pay attention to the ontological exploration of literature.The main idea of the article can be summed up by the so-called “repeat the text,deep understanding”in the Song Dynasty,proposed by Wang Zhi in Collection of Poems.The two sentences are also derived from the concept of “the essence and charm of literature,need repeat and appreciation”in the Wen Xin Diao Long ofLiu Xie.From the current point of view,this so-called “text”refers not only to the existence of literary ontology in a broad sense,but also to the basic concept of art and aesthetics in the narrow sense,has some distinctions with the Western formalism and structuralism,which only reference to narrate,language,rhetoric,structure,etc.belonging the purely “text”concept of factors. According to the viewpoints of Liu Xie,Ouyang Xiu and other literary theorists,the literary interpretations must first be “appreciated in the text”and “according to the text”,emphasizing the need to apply the “repeat and appreciate the text”and explore the “character “narrative” “lyric” “theory”and other “text”issues. Secondly,the interpretation of the text not only focuses on crossing the “text”,but also grasps the diachronic and synchronic “transformation”between each other,and strives to carry out mutual evidence of “text”from the perspectives of literature and culture,with “reading more”to achieve the purpose of“deep intent”.Finally,the essence of the meaning of the ontology is that “the text is people-oriented”,that is,“the text from people”,“the text is similar with people”,“the text describe people”,“the text is for people”and other “humanistic”concepts and literary traits,it also opening up the idea of “repeat and appreciate the text,deep intent”.In short,we can refer to the so-called “texi intensive reading”,“inside and outside the text”and “text meaning”in Western literary theories in recent years,based on the traditional Chinese so-called “repeat and appreciate”,“transformation”,“reading more”concepts and the “literal people-oriented”ontological consciousness,do some modern interpretation and reconstruction of the literary interpretation theory with the essence of “deep understanding of the original intention repeated and aesthetically”,will serve the current literary research more effectively.
作者 李桂奎 LI Guikui
机构地区 山东大学文学院
出处 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第12期108-117,共10页 Academic Monthly
基金 国家哲学社会科学重点项目"中国文学写人传统及理论谱系研究"(15AZW008)的阶段性成果
关键词 中国传统文论 本体性 本文 熟玩 深绎 本意 Chinese tradtional literary theory ontology text repeat and appreciated deep nnderstanding text meaning
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