

A Study of Chen Yinque's Method of Textual Research and Interpretation of Ancient Poetry
摘要 陈寅恪对古诗的研究成果主要集中于《元白诗笺证稿》和《柳如是别传》两书当中。前一书主要运用"笺证"的方法,后一书主要运用"释证"的方法。"笺证"偏于对古典与今典的考证,"释证"则偏于对诗歌深层情感和内容的阐释与开掘。"笺证"是"释证"的前提和基础,"释证"则是在"笺证"的基础上对诗歌作品进行细致入微的剖析和解读。前者使得对诗歌的解读有史可据,后者利用考证内容为更加明晰地阐发诗歌的深层意蕴而服务。在对诗歌"释证"的过程中,诗歌与历史互相证明与阐发,诗歌贯串起一幅情韵生动的历史画面,诗情与史实达到融合无间的境界。方法上的不同,使得著述体例各异。如果说前者对每首诗歌的笺证可以单独成文,后者对诗歌的释证则为还原历史人物形象与发掘人物性情服务,它们是一个不可分割的整体,是陈寅恪的"心史"别裁。 Chen Yinque’s research achievements on ancient poetry are mainly concentrated on the two books of Textual Research on Yuan Bai Poetry and Liu Rushi Biography. The previous book mainly used the method of " textual research",and the latter one mainly used the method of " interpretation". " Interpretation" is based on textual research on classical and modern allusions. " Interpretation" refers to the interpretation and excavation of deep emotion and content in poetry. " Textual research" is the premise and basis of the " Interpretation". " Interpretation" is a detailed analysis and interpretation of poetry on the basis of " Textual research". The former makes the interpretation of poetry based on historical evidences. The latter makes use of textual research content to serve for clearer interpretation of the deep meaning of poetry. In the process of " interpretation" of poetry,poetry and history have proved and elucidated each other. The difference in methods makes the writing style different. If the former textual research for each poem can be written separately,the latter’s interpretation of poetry is an inseparable whole to restore the image of the historical figures and explore the character of the characters,and it is the unique " mind history" of Mr. Chen.
作者 陈松 CHEN Song(School of Literature,Nankai University,Tianjin 300071,China)
机构地区 南开大学文学院
出处 《内蒙古大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2018年第6期68-74,共7页 Journal of Inner Mongolia University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 陈寅恪 古诗 笺证 释证 诗史互证 Chen Yinque ancient poetry textual research interpretation inter-attestation of poetry and history
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