The influence of properties of finite-difference schemes of Godunov, Lax-Wendroff and TVD on prediction of amplitudefrequency responses of pressure oscillations is investigated as a part of a problem of steady-state oscillations in a semi-closed channel. Problems of Riemann and pipe draining are solved as a test. It is shown that the dissipative properties of Godunov scheme underestimate the amplitude of high-frequency oscillations relative to the experimental data. Lax-Wendroff scheme predicts an amplitude-frequency response with sufficient degree of accuracy. TVD scheme leads to nonmonotonic amplitude-frequency response and overestimates values of resonance frequencies.
The influence of properties of finite-difference schemes of Godunov, Lax-Wendroff and TVD on prediction of amplitudefrequency responses of pressure oscillations is investigated as a part of a problem of steady-state oscillations in a semi-closed channel. Problems of Riemann and pipe draining are solved as a test. It is shown that the dissipative properties of Godunov scheme underestimate the amplitude of high-frequency oscillations relative to the experimental data. Lax-Wendroff scheme predicts an amplitude-frequency response with sufficient degree of accuracy. TVD scheme leads to nonmonotonic amplitude-frequency response and overestimates values of resonance frequencies.